Infinitus Energy

Electric Vehicle Charging
Electric vehicles are here, and here to stay. With the finite fossil fuels rapidly running out, and carbon emissions at an all time high the time for renewables is now.
As part of this electric vehicles are set to completely change the motor industry landscape as we know it. This means that electric cars will soon overtake internal combustion-powered cars as the more economical choice for consumers.
Over the next two decades, worldwide electric vehicle sales will rise from 2 million last year to 56 million by 2040, BNEF predicts. With this huge influx of electric vehicles, the infrastructure of how people fuel their cars is going to change drastically, with car charging points set to become common place in homes and business’ up and down the country.
As certified PodPoint installers Infinitus Energy are here to help.
Solar PV installations
As the fight against climate change accelerates, so too will demand for sources of renewable energy. Solar power will play a major role in mitigating climate change around the world.
Solar is and will remain the most viable way for homes and businesses to generate ‘clean’ electricity. Contact Infinitus Energy and we will you decide if solar is right for you over the phone or email. No pressure, no hard sell. If it all looks positive, we’ll arrange a home visit to work out the details of your installation. We’ll then provide your personal quote, including scaffolding costs etc with full transparency. Our installation team will fit your new system on a pre-arranged day, catering for any specific needs you may have. We’ll also handle all the installation paperwork on your behalf, from building control to commissioning your new system.

We understand that environmental benefits are a huge reason to invest in a solar system, however there is also a question of payback. Payback is a very common question when it comes to solar and it is very much dependent of what size and type of system being installed, as well as the inclusion of electric vehicles and battery storage. We have the facilities to work all this information out and provide you with clear details on request.

Solar Battery Storage
With the introduction of battery storage, we are now able to control and use electricity in a way we have never seen. With smart apps showing us minute by minute how much electricity we are generating, what we are using it on and how we are using it.
Since 2011 Infinitus have been designing installing domestic and commercial solar PV systems in line with the governments feed in tariff, which paid installations a generation tariff for energy created from solar PV systems. This tariff came to an end in March 2019 for new installations which had a knock on affect in the market and created a price drop in installation, inverters and photovoltaic panels.
At Infinitus we see this as a positive as this large price drop in materials has led to solar being available to more people. Installing solar PV with the use of battery storage alongside is now the way to see the financial benefit by storing the energy you create on your roof and use it to power your homes appliances and electric vehicles without pulling all the energy you require from the grid and giving the ability to use that free energy when the sun has gone down!
As well as being environmentally friendly we see solar PV with battery storage and EV chargers as a way of protecting yourselves from increased energy costs!

Get in touch with us now to learn more about Infinitus Energy.